Saturday, September 6, 2014

~Hopping into our new year~

We have spent the last 12 days getting into the swing of Kindergarten.  There are lots of new routines and expectations we have to learn.  We have been working on learning our classmates' names as well as all of the teachers'.  
In the white folders and communicators , I have sent some sheets home so you know what to work on at home such as a sheet to practice saying the school pledge and a 100 chart to practice counting.  Please review how to hold a pencil.   One important thing for the kids to remember is that we always starting writing our letters and our numbers at the top.  Also when holding scissors, make sure the thumb is on top.  
During our center time, we have been practicing rotating to different places, using new materials, sharing as well as cleaning up.  My class is a very helpful bunch!  I would say the kids' favorite things to play with so far have been blocks, kitchen and Play-Doh.    
This week was red week.  We sang the red song and had red licorice as a treat.  We have started with the red page in a rainbow book. We have been practicing our cutting skills.  We cut out Clifford and put his ear on.  
We listened to the Mat Man song and put the pieces of him together.  Ask your child which part they got to do.  Another thing to ask is what job each child had for the day.  Jobs are a big deal!  They are so eager to help.